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Health and Safety Protocols: 2022-2023 


Vaccination Policy

All employees of the Brotherhood Synagogue must be vaccinated.


Wellness Policies

In order to curb the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, it is vital that students and staff remain at home when showing any signs and symptoms of illness. Children and staff MUST stay home if they feel unwell. Please notify us immediately of any confirmed or suspected exposure to COVID-19, as we are obligated to report positive tests to the NYC DOH.


For the safety of everyone in the classroom, it is imperative that children are not given fever-reducing medication before school. Sending a sick child to school may result in a greater amount of school missed for the entire class, as well as an increase in teacher absences.


If your child will be absent from school, please notify the office by 9:30 AM. If your child is absent for illness, please notify us of any symptoms present.


Return to School Testing and Medical Forms

  • All students and staff must have a negative PCR test prior to returning to school. Rapid antigen tests will not be accepted. This test should be taken no earlier than Wednesday, September 8th for students. For staff, the return date is September 1st, and testing no earlier than August 28th. Email results to Sara Cohen at

  • A negative PCR and an up-to-date medical form must be in school in order for children and staff to be at school.



At this time, all children and staff must be masked when at school.

Students may remove their masks when they are outside during the school day and when eating in classrooms. 


DISTANCING: Cohorts and Podding

Teachers and children will create active and collegial spaces while protecting the health of each student. Children do not have to maintain social or physical distance from one another. Teachers will monitor the number of children in each area of the room and when sitting at tables or in communal areas. Teachers will engage fully will children and with each other. All efforts will be made to keep classroom cohorts separated. Teachers may be required to be in classrooms other than their own.


Arrival and Dismissal

Drop-off and pick-up will be within the gates of Brotherhood, but outside the synagogue building.

To relieve congestion, we will stagger arrival and dismissal times:

  • Purple Room children will arrive at school at 8:50 AM and be dismissed at either 12:30 or 2:00 PM. All Purple Room children will be dismissed at 12:30 on Fridays.

  • Yellow Room children will arrive at school at 9:00 AM and be dismissed at 11:45 AM.

Teachers will greet children and parents outside and facilitate a smooth transition to school.

At this time parents are not permitted in the building. (See below ‘Family Visits to the Building’ to learn about scheduled visits.)



For the first few days of school, no strollers, riding toys, or scooters can be left at the school or synagogue. 


Outdoor Work and Play

Classes will be encouraged to play outside whenever possible. When inside, all windows and doors will remain open to permit optimal circulation.


Early childhood consultant, Lisa Karlin and music and movement specialists, Oran Etkin and Naoko Robins will be joining us in person this year.


Family Visits to the Buildings

Only fully vaccinated family members will be allowed into the synagogue building for scheduled visits. Together with teachers, parents will arrange mutually convenient times to visit for Kabbalat Shabbat and to celebrate their child’s birthday. Any all-school events will be held outdoors. 


Non-Family Visitors

Visitors will be limited to only essential people:

• Specialized repair or maintenance workers
• State or City inspectors, etc. 

All visitors will be required to follow the same procedures and requirements as our staff.


Health Checks

Every evening before a school day, you will receive a health survey. Please send the completed survey to  before 8:00 AM. If the answer to any of the questions is ‘yes, your child will not be permitted to attend school that day and until all the necessary measures are taken.



Everyone entering the building will have their temperature taken upon arrival.

When to Stay Home

It is essential that families keep their children home when they have any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other communicable disease including colds. 

  • Vomiting or diarrhea:  Stay home for 24 hours.  

  • Fever of over 100℉:  Stay home for 24 hours after your child’s temperature returns to normal without medication. 

  • A negative PCR will be required to return to school after experiencing any symptoms, even if vaccinated. We will continue to ask that parents who experience any symptoms of Covid-19 be tested themselves, even if vaccinated.


Travel and Quarantining

We will follow New York States' guidelines for travel and quarantining.

If your family travels internationally, a 7-day quarantine with a test on days three-five will be required for your unvaccinated child.  

  • No quarantining before testing is required if you and your child travel domestically.

  • NYS does not allow testing out of quarantine for exposure.



  • Parents will be asked to send in healthy snacks on a rotating basis. More information will come from your teachers.

  • All children should bring a labeled water bottle to school each day.

  • Food and snacks served at school will be apportioned by the teachers.


All of the above is subject to change as the health landscape changes. We will, of course, keep you updated. 

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